Tag Archive for: Mediation

My “Go for it Academy” went online in early January 2023. The Academy’s first course to be offered is the “MediationsRefresher.” And people keep asking me what exactly it is and more importantly, what it’s for. I’d like to answer these questions for you in today’s blog.

For more than ten years, I’ve been working as a lecturer and examiner at the FernUniversität Hagen (distance learning university) in the area of training and education for mediators. I enjoy this work immensely because it allows me to focus on my great passion: mediation. The wonderful thing about it is that not only can I dive into my favorite topic this way, but that I can also spend time with numerous students who are as passionate about the mediation process as I am.

One problem that already existed when I myself attended and completed this great training program at the FernUniversität Hagen, often persists today: Students postpone entering the market after successfully completing the program, either for personal reasons or because they’re faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges when it comes acquiring suitable conflict cases. And, as time passes, their expertly content knowledge fades and the courage to actively enter the market dwindles.

I understand these feelings very well, as I felt the same in 2006. At the time, I would have loved to be able to refresh all of my specialist knowledge so that I could be more confident in my interactions with clients and more courageous in my approach.

It is this dilemma that I would like to resolve now, because one thing is completely clear to me: There’s a great need for more great and passionate mediators. The process of mediation and the attitude of the mediator are precisely the right tools for resolving many of today’s challenges.

The MediationRefresher, with its numerous videos and handouts, provides a complete review of all basic mediation knowledge, as well as content for specific settings and situations that mediators are faced with in their daily work. This applies not only to conducting mediations, but also to the mediator’s own market presence and to client acquisition. Throughout the course, the entire content is illustrated through practical examples and experiences from mediations, to make applying the acquired knowledge graspable and to facilitate the transfer from theory to practice.

As I believe that the attitude of the mediator is an essential factor in the success of the process, coaching exercises are provided for mediators to reflect on themselves and improve their own attitude.

The knowledge offered is supplemented by additional monthly videos and documents, often at the specific request of participants, so as to give them immediate and concrete answers to “burning” questions.

Who is it for? For all mediators who want to refresh or deepen their knowledge and, above all, continue to work on concrete questions so as to develop further.

I invite you to take a look here: https://goforit-academy.com. And as ever, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

In that spirit, go for it,

Your Crisis Manager