Crisis communication using the example of online mediation – can it work?

An intensive discussion has been going on for years as to whether online mediation works and, more importantly, whether it can be an appropriate means of resolving (often highly emotional) conflicts.

The pandemic has provided us with plenty of opportunities over the past year and a half to find out that online mediation does, in fact, work. Many mediators suddenly found themselves – after participating in theoretical debates about the pros and cons of online mediation – in a position where they had no choice but to simply try it out. And they were in for a surprise when they experienced that, as a process, online mediation does indeed work!

Even so, many mediators still find the online format disconcerting, and in some cases they’re reluctant to try it out. This reluctance, of course, can negatively impact their mediation business – which is why I’ll be using the next few blog articles to share tips and tricks for remote mediation processes and to answer questions about any reservations mediators may have about this.

These tips and tricks will cover such things as very practical technical tools and equipment as well as content-related issues, such as building trust and dealing with emotions. All of this will specifically relate to both the mediation process and other communication situations. In a word, there will be something for everyone.

If you have any questions or are looking for something specific, please just let me know so I can cover your topic, too.

Feel free to drop by again – I’m so glad you’re here!

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