© Go For It Academy

It’s done. I’ve created the © Go For It Academy. It went live on January 8, 2023.

Now you’re probably wondering what it’s all about and what I’m trying to accomplish with it. Let me explain.

Those of you who know me probably also know that I don’t view what I do as work, but rather as an opportunity to pursue my passion each and every day. And that has been the case ever since I quit my job as an employee. Since then, I’ve been driven by countless visions, but also by the great joy of tackling challenges with a solution-oriented approach and helping people overcome them.

I myself have also been faced with many challenges in my life. Some of them I asked for and brought upon myself, such as quitting a secure job, others fell into my path unasked, such as my cancer diagnosis, which catapulted me into palliative status.

But no matter what I’ve gone through in my life, I’ve always waded through it with a solution and a purpose in mind, and I have gone through many a learning curve.

These challenges have changed me, helped me better define my personality, and have had a significant impact on the level of effectiveness I achieve with my clients.

Since starting my own business, I have felt the need to help other people deal with challenges and to sharpen their knowledge, perspective and action radius in a solution-oriented manner. It gives me great pleasure to focus on people in difficult situations and conversations, in conflicts and crises, in negotiations and change processes, and to support them in overcoming them.

The pandemic situation presented me with another challenge: technology. And once again, I was able to learn and grow. The result is the © Go For It Academy.

The Academy offers various types of learning content focused on the above-mentioned topics. They give participants the opportunity to learn at their own pace, at their own time, at home on the computer or on the go via an app, to get impulses, learn techniques and methods, and generate self-effective solutions. Supported by regular ZOOM meetings, virtual coaching sessions as well as face-to-face events, the process is designed to enable everyone reach their full potential and overcome personal obstacles at any time.

The © Go For It Academy has started off with a Mediation Refresher for trained mediators. It provides a review of mediation theory and puts into practice with videos, text prompts and exercises. Aspects of marketing, acquisition and personality development methods for mediators round off the picture. If you’re interested in this course, please contact me.

More course units and topics are in development. I will keep you informed.

In this spirit, 

Go for it,

Your Crisis Manager

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