Forgetting your own limitations or the power of the subconscious mind
In my February blog I mentioned that I was planning a trip to Greenland.
I’d been dreaming about this for many years and I have to say, I’m really not sure where this desire originally came from. But I believe it was based on a romantic…

Crisis and conflict management – The importance of taking a break
Resilience, Taking a break
Those who know me know that I put a lot of energy, passion, heart and soul into my work helping people in crisis and conflict. When I started my own business, I read a lot of books and listened to a lot of lectures about how being self-employed…

The “highest paved road” in the USA as a metaphor – and what that has to do with our lives
This summer I went on a journey of discovery through beautiful Colorado, a colorful state that lives up to its name.
On this trip I drove along “the highest paved road” in Colorado. What an experience – in terms of scenery, driving…

“Live each day as if it were your last!” – How exactly does that work?
Have you ever heard the saying “Live each day as if it were your last”? I myself often wonder how to do that and what it means in concrete terms. How would your last day feel? Have you ever wondered how that works?
I’ve been officially…

Food for thought: the Active Listening method
Let’s be honest: What was your first thought when you read the title of this blog post? “Active listening? Not again!”, or “What old news!”, or maybe, “I’ve heard this before, and I’ve heard it a million times in various types…

What does our everyday life have to do with rodeo riding?
How are you doing right now? Do you, too, feel that some days give you courage and confidence, and things just go “swimmingly?” But then there are other days when your plans are thwarted or you feel like obstacles are being thrown in your…

What is mediation?
My clients often ask me what exactly the term “mediation” means. This shows that the process of mediation – which originated in the USA in the 1970s and whose history goes back much further – is still not a fully established method…

What we can learn from the Americans
Self management
The title of this blog article may strike you as a bit curious and perhaps you’re asking yourself: What can we possibly learn from the Americans? Maybe you’re quite critical of the Americans for all kinds of reasons – political ones for…

“How did you become self-employed?” – How I got into freelancing.
I’m frequently asked what prompted me to leave my secure, well-paid job as a salaried lawyer in a bank and become self-employed instead. Many people seem to think it was a very courageous move.
They’re less surprised, however, when I…

Inspirational thought: on Monday, always on Monday …
employee motivation, Self management
Have you noticed how many people choose Monday as the day to plan all the changes they want to make? Do you ever find yourself doing that?
Whether it’s changes in your diet or small changes in your daily routine, I always hear people say,…

Thoughts on employee turnover
employee motivation, Employee retention
I recently had a discussion with a client about the current employee situation in his company. Naturally, we got talking about retention, onboarding and the high staff turnover rate.
The way he pronounced the word “Fluktuation” (German…

What is a “MediationRefresher” course?
Go for it Academy, Mediation
My “Go for it Academy” went online in early January 2023. The Academy’s first course to be offered is the “MediationsRefresher.” And people keep asking me what exactly it is and more importantly, what it’s for. I’d like to answer…

© Go For It Academy
Go for it Academy
It’s done. I’ve created the © Go For It Academy. It went live on January 8, 2023.
Now you’re probably wondering what it’s all about and what I’m trying to accomplish with it. Let me explain.
Those of you who know me probably…

The good resolutions. Or: “Groundhog Day.”
Self management
Have you ever been quizzed about your New Year’s resolutions? Were you asked if you’ve decided to quit smoking, work less, eat healthier or exercise more? If so, how did this make you feel and what is your standard response?
We all know…

“What material do you always carry in your trunk?”
I was recently asked this question by a mediation student during a seminar. I thought it was such a great question that I decided to write a blog post about it. Because I think there are few things more annoying than finding yourself without…

Food for thought
crisis-communication, Mitarbeitermotivation, Uncategorized
As a child, whenever I felt annoyed by other people, my grandmother would respond with a wise and heartfelt saying: “The oak tree doesn't mind if a wild sow scratches its back on it, does it?”
Do you know this saying? It comes from a…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 3
employee motivation, Employee retention
You may have accepted my invitation from the September blog and reflected on how often you communicate with your employees and, above all, on what basis these conversations take place. Have you asked about and exchanged mutual wishes, needs…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 2
employee motivation, Employee retention
So, what can be done when we realize that employee motivation has deteriorated – or is even completely gone? Is there any way to rekindle or revive it?
Let me put it this way: There certainly isn’t a magic pill that we can just hand…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 1
employee motivation, Employee retention
For quite some time now, the shortage of specialists and executives in Germany has been a major concern for our economy. HR departments and recruiters are finding it more and more challenging to come up with creative ideas and to find new ways…

“transparent communication” – INSIGHTS FROM PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
For 13 years now, I’ve been working as a freelance crisis and conflict manager in the German business world and abroad.
As such, I support executives, teams and organizations at all management levels around issues such as employee motivation,…

Strengthening your teams: The team development clock
Currently, I’m receiving more and more requests for support around team collaboration. Market disruptions, staff shortages and the need for high levels of agility are causing restlessness, manifesting feelings of insecurity and leading to…

Self-efficacy and empowerment DURING uncertain times
Self management
In my current video series, I’m looking at a model that can prove helpful for dealing with stabilizing factors during uncertain times.
We already have two years of global pandemic behind us, marked by restrictions, social distancing requirements…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 3)
Self management
In my March blog, I introduced you to the Disney Method for defining goals. I also promised that I would introduce you to a self-coaching variation on this method—and that’s what I’d like to share with you today.
The Disney Method…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 2)
Self management
In my previous blog article from February, I explained George T. Doran’s SMART formula, which is a proven way for defining achievable goals. In my article, I promised you a second part introducing another method: the Disney Method. It’s…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 1)
Self management
In the personal sphere, we all like to set goals for ourselves, typically in the form of New Year’s resolutions. In the professional context, we tend to talk about projects. In most cases, however, it remains unclear as to whether we’ll…

Good communication in an online setting
Hello to you and all the best for a happy and healthy 2022!
And of course, let me also welcome you to part four of our “Good communication in an online setting” blog series. This time, I’d once again like to address some of the special…

Holding Video conferences and communication in online settings
Part 2 of my “Mediation as an example of online crisis communication—can it work?” is intended to give you an overview of the various issues you’ll need to take into account when holding video conferences, and thus communicating, in…

Crisis communication using the example of online mediation – can it work?
An intensive discussion has been going on for years as to whether online mediation works and, more importantly, whether it can be an appropriate means of resolving (often highly emotional) conflicts.
The pandemic has provided us with plenty…

Conflicts – how do they arise in the first place?
Does any of the following sound familiar? You’re having a conflict with a colleague at work. You’re feeling ambivalent about something and are finding it hard to make up your mind. Things keep happening to you that you feel are slowing…

Crisis communication – What do I do when difficult interlocutors keep upsetting me?
Who wouldn’t be familiar with the following situation? You go into a conversation fully prepared and intent on a collaborative, solution-focused interaction. Yet, suddenly you find yourself triggered by the person across from you and go into…

Forgetting your own limitations or the power of the subconscious mind
In my February blog I mentioned that I was planning a trip to Greenland.
I’d been dreaming about this for many years and I have to say, I’m really not sure where this desire originally came from. But I believe it was based on a romantic…

Crisis and conflict management – The importance of taking a break
Resilience, Taking a break
Those who know me know that I put a lot of energy, passion, heart and soul into my work helping people in crisis and conflict. When I started my own business, I read a lot of books and listened to a lot of lectures about how being self-employed…

The “highest paved road” in the USA as a metaphor – and what that has to do with our lives
This summer I went on a journey of discovery through beautiful Colorado, a colorful state that lives up to its name.
On this trip I drove along “the highest paved road” in Colorado. What an experience – in terms of scenery, driving…

“Live each day as if it were your last!” – How exactly does that work?
Have you ever heard the saying “Live each day as if it were your last”? I myself often wonder how to do that and what it means in concrete terms. How would your last day feel? Have you ever wondered how that works?
I’ve been officially…

Food for thought: the Active Listening method
Let’s be honest: What was your first thought when you read the title of this blog post? “Active listening? Not again!”, or “What old news!”, or maybe, “I’ve heard this before, and I’ve heard it a million times in various types…

What does our everyday life have to do with rodeo riding?
How are you doing right now? Do you, too, feel that some days give you courage and confidence, and things just go “swimmingly?” But then there are other days when your plans are thwarted or you feel like obstacles are being thrown in your…

What is mediation?
My clients often ask me what exactly the term “mediation” means. This shows that the process of mediation – which originated in the USA in the 1970s and whose history goes back much further – is still not a fully established method…

What we can learn from the Americans
Self management
The title of this blog article may strike you as a bit curious and perhaps you’re asking yourself: What can we possibly learn from the Americans? Maybe you’re quite critical of the Americans for all kinds of reasons – political ones for…

“How did you become self-employed?” – How I got into freelancing.
I’m frequently asked what prompted me to leave my secure, well-paid job as a salaried lawyer in a bank and become self-employed instead. Many people seem to think it was a very courageous move.
They’re less surprised, however, when I…

Inspirational thought: on Monday, always on Monday …
employee motivation, Self management
Have you noticed how many people choose Monday as the day to plan all the changes they want to make? Do you ever find yourself doing that?
Whether it’s changes in your diet or small changes in your daily routine, I always hear people say,…

Thoughts on employee turnover
employee motivation, Employee retention
I recently had a discussion with a client about the current employee situation in his company. Naturally, we got talking about retention, onboarding and the high staff turnover rate.
The way he pronounced the word “Fluktuation” (German…

What is a “MediationRefresher” course?
Go for it Academy, Mediation
My “Go for it Academy” went online in early January 2023. The Academy’s first course to be offered is the “MediationsRefresher.” And people keep asking me what exactly it is and more importantly, what it’s for. I’d like to answer…

© Go For It Academy
Go for it Academy
It’s done. I’ve created the © Go For It Academy. It went live on January 8, 2023.
Now you’re probably wondering what it’s all about and what I’m trying to accomplish with it. Let me explain.
Those of you who know me probably…

The good resolutions. Or: “Groundhog Day.”
Self management
Have you ever been quizzed about your New Year’s resolutions? Were you asked if you’ve decided to quit smoking, work less, eat healthier or exercise more? If so, how did this make you feel and what is your standard response?
We all know…

“What material do you always carry in your trunk?”
I was recently asked this question by a mediation student during a seminar. I thought it was such a great question that I decided to write a blog post about it. Because I think there are few things more annoying than finding yourself without…

Food for thought
crisis-communication, Mitarbeitermotivation, Uncategorized
As a child, whenever I felt annoyed by other people, my grandmother would respond with a wise and heartfelt saying: “The oak tree doesn't mind if a wild sow scratches its back on it, does it?”
Do you know this saying? It comes from a…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 3
employee motivation, Employee retention
You may have accepted my invitation from the September blog and reflected on how often you communicate with your employees and, above all, on what basis these conversations take place. Have you asked about and exchanged mutual wishes, needs…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 2
employee motivation, Employee retention
So, what can be done when we realize that employee motivation has deteriorated – or is even completely gone? Is there any way to rekindle or revive it?
Let me put it this way: There certainly isn’t a magic pill that we can just hand…

Employee retention and motivation – Part 1
employee motivation, Employee retention
For quite some time now, the shortage of specialists and executives in Germany has been a major concern for our economy. HR departments and recruiters are finding it more and more challenging to come up with creative ideas and to find new ways…

“transparent communication” – INSIGHTS FROM PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
For 13 years now, I’ve been working as a freelance crisis and conflict manager in the German business world and abroad.
As such, I support executives, teams and organizations at all management levels around issues such as employee motivation,…

Strengthening your teams: The team development clock
Currently, I’m receiving more and more requests for support around team collaboration. Market disruptions, staff shortages and the need for high levels of agility are causing restlessness, manifesting feelings of insecurity and leading to…

Self-efficacy and empowerment DURING uncertain times
Self management
In my current video series, I’m looking at a model that can prove helpful for dealing with stabilizing factors during uncertain times.
We already have two years of global pandemic behind us, marked by restrictions, social distancing requirements…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 3)
Self management
In my March blog, I introduced you to the Disney Method for defining goals. I also promised that I would introduce you to a self-coaching variation on this method—and that’s what I’d like to share with you today.
The Disney Method…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 2)
Self management
In my previous blog article from February, I explained George T. Doran’s SMART formula, which is a proven way for defining achievable goals. In my article, I promised you a second part introducing another method: the Disney Method. It’s…

Self-management and organization – How to define goals and put them into practice (Part 1)
Self management
In the personal sphere, we all like to set goals for ourselves, typically in the form of New Year’s resolutions. In the professional context, we tend to talk about projects. In most cases, however, it remains unclear as to whether we’ll…

Good communication in an online setting
Hello to you and all the best for a happy and healthy 2022!
And of course, let me also welcome you to part four of our “Good communication in an online setting” blog series. This time, I’d once again like to address some of the special…

Holding Video conferences and communication in online settings
Part 2 of my “Mediation as an example of online crisis communication—can it work?” is intended to give you an overview of the various issues you’ll need to take into account when holding video conferences, and thus communicating, in…

Crisis communication using the example of online mediation – can it work?
An intensive discussion has been going on for years as to whether online mediation works and, more importantly, whether it can be an appropriate means of resolving (often highly emotional) conflicts.
The pandemic has provided us with plenty…

Conflicts – how do they arise in the first place?
Does any of the following sound familiar? You’re having a conflict with a colleague at work. You’re feeling ambivalent about something and are finding it hard to make up your mind. Things keep happening to you that you feel are slowing…

Crisis communication – What do I do when difficult interlocutors keep upsetting me?
Who wouldn’t be familiar with the following situation? You go into a conversation fully prepared and intent on a collaborative, solution-focused interaction. Yet, suddenly you find yourself triggered by the person across from you and go into…